Monday, March 2, 2015

Stratos wants to be the supercard that holds all your credit card details


Forget Apple Pay. A Michigan startup says what you really need is a Buetooth-enabled supercard.

On Tuesday, Stratos introduced such a device, which it bills as the industry's first payment card that consolidates an unlimited amount of cards into one. The Stratos Bluetooth Connected Card, which the company has worked on for three years, is roughly the same size and weight of a standard credit card, but it's electronic and can be accepted anywhere.

Thiago Olson, the CEO and cofounder of Stratos, compares the concept to the iPod, which consolidated a user's CD collection into one device. In the future, he says, you'll also be able to add a new card to Stratos without having a plastic card handy. That means that if you're on vacation and lose your American Express, the company won't have to FedEx one to you in Maui Read more...

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