Saturday, March 7, 2015

Binge watching all 13 episodes of 'House of Cards' in a row? Beware.


Perhaps you literally live under a rock. Maybe you chose to spend last weekend working, volunteering, or basically doing anything other than spending 13 hours watching a megalomaniacal psychopath wander the halls of the White House.

Whatever the reason, before you embark on your own House of Cards binge this weekend, you need to be properly prepared for such a task

How do I know? Last weekend, I watched all 13 new episodes of HOC in a row — that's right, I call it "HOC" now — and things got dark

Here's what happened (Warning: Some spoilers; but you've waited a whole week to watch HOC so you probably know all of this already): Read more...

More about Television, House Of Cards, Entertainment, and Tv


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