Wednesday, March 4, 2015

GDC 2015: Knights of Pen and Paper 2 bringing back a classic RPG

At GDC 2015, we had a chance to check out the recently-announced Knights of Pen and Paper 2. Though it's being worked on by a new developer, they've managed to maintain the self-referential tongue-in-cheek humor that made the original such a roaring success (at least among diehard Dungeons & Dragons nerds like me).

The publishers were a little shy about letting us shoot video this early on in development, even though the glitchiness of the current build was minimal. What we can tell you is that the graphics have taken the massive leap from 8-bit to 16-bit, summoning all the nostalgia that Super Nintendo-era games have to offer. Check out this batch of screenshots for an idea of what to expect.

As for gameplay, a lot of the same turn-based combat remains, with a few refinements. You still pick the type of human player your characters are, but they revolve more around high school stereotypes than anything. Sorry, no pizza delivery guy or grandma (yet). On the upside, you can now pick races in addition to player and classes. Abilities and equipment have some added depth, namely in terms of selection and elemental attributes. There's a new crafting system too, though we didn't get a chance to check it out.

Of course there are new quests, new enemies, and new classes to try out, but the core of a streamlined RPG with simple stat system remains intact. Fantasy gaming fans will definitely be interested in this one when it comes out on May 4.

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